"Two Synths, A Guitar, (and) A Drum Machine: Post Punk Dance" LP (Soul Jazz)


Soul Jazz Records, 2021


A1 Automatic (20) Too Much Money 2:18
A2 Zongamin Underwater Paramid 3:26
A3 New Fries Lily 6:14
A4 Vex Ruffin & Fab 5 Freddy The Balance 3:23
A5 Ixna Somebody Said 3:32
B1 Leroy Duncann Dream River 1:04
B2 Tom Of England Neon Green 4:06
B3 Toresch Tocar 5:17
B4 Becker & Mukai La Rivière Des Perles 7:09
C1 Gramme Discolovers 4:50
C2 Niagara (6) Ida 5:49
C3 Charles Manier Sift Through Art Collecting People 7:40
D1 Black Deer Baseball Shorts 4:29
D2 madmadmad Hot Disco 3:30
D3 WINO D* Untitled 7:01
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