The Clean "Unknown Country" LP (Merge reissue)


First time on vinyl in the USA 

Merge Records reissue


A1 Wipe Me, I'm Lucky 3:09
A2 Champagne & Misery 2:43
A3 Changing Your Head 3:12
A4 Balkans 1:18
A5 Clutch 2:13
A6 Franz Kafka At The Zoo 1:55
A7 Whisk 1:28
A8 Indigo Blue 2:31
A9 Chumpy 3:43
B1 Get The Liquid 3:15
B2 Happy Lil Fella 2:11
B3 Tweezer 0:46
B4 Rope 2:55
B5 Twist Top 2:02
B6 Cooking Water 3:54
B7 Valley Cab 2:03
B8 Wall Walk 3:34
B9 Balkans 1:26
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