Replacements "Sorry Ma, Forgot To Take Out the Trash" LP (Twin/Tone reissue)


Twin/Tone Records, 2016


A1 Takin A Ride 2:23
A2 Careless 1:08
A3 Customer 1:29
A4 Hangin Downtown 2:00
A5 Kick Your Door Down 3:05
A6 Otto 2:07
A7 I Bought A Headache 2:25
A8 Rattlesnake 1:30
A9 I Hate Music 1:38
B1 Johnny's Gonna Die 3:30
B2 Shiftless When Idle 2:16
B3 More Cigarettes 1:15
B4 Don't Ask Why 1:50
B5 Something To Dü 1:36
B6 I'm In Trouble 2:07
B7 Love You Till Friday 1:51
B8 Shutup 1:20
B9 Raised In The City 1:56
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