Pixies "Doolittle" LP


4AD, 2004


A1 Debaser 2:52
A2 Tame 1:55
A3 Wave Of Mutilation 2:04
A4 I Bleed 2:34
A5 Here Comes Your Man 3:21
A6 Dead 2:21
A7 Monkey Gone To Heaven 2:57
B1 Mr. Grieves 2:05
B2 Crackity Jones 1:24
B3 La La Love You 2:43
B4 Number 13 Baby 3:51
B5 There Goes My Gun 1:49
B6 Hey 3:31
B7 Silver 2:25
B8 Gouge Away 2:45

Reissue contains an insert including lyrics taken from the booklet which came with initial copies of the first release.

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