Matt Sweeney & Bonnie 'Prince' Billy "Superwolves" LP (Drag City)


The WOLVES are back! 

2021 release on Drag City Records 

cover artwork by Harmony Korine 


A1 Make Worry For Me 3:58
A2 Good To My Girls 2:41
A3 God Is Waiting 3:07
A4 Hall Of Death 3:21
A5 Shorty's Ark 3:29
A6 I Am A Youth Inclined To Ramble 6:07
B1 My Popsicle 2:48
B2 Watch What Happens 2:55
B3 Resist The Urge 2:34
B4 There Must Be A Someone 2:41
B5 My Blue Suit 2:36
B6 My Body Is My Own 2:36
B7 You Can Regret What You Have Done 2:05
B8 Not Fooling 2:34
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