Jim Bunkley LP George Mitchell Recording


Big Legal Mess Records, 2016


A1 Jim Bunkley Segregation Blues
A2 Jim Bunkley Jack Of Diamonds
A3 Jim Bunkley With Lottie Kate* 16-20
A4 Jim Bunkley Rocking Chair Blues
A5 Jim Bunkley Blues Came From Texas
A6 Jim Bunkley The Howling Wolf
A7 Jim Bunkley Them Greasy Greens
A8 Jim Bunkley With Lottie Kate* Black Gal
A9 Jim Bunkley What's The Matter With The Mill
B1 George Henry Bussey V8 Ford
B2 George Henry Bussey When I'm Sober, When I'm Drunk Blues
B3 George Henry Bussey Grieving Over Me
B4 George Henry Bussey Mean Mistreater
B5 George Henry Bussey Blues Around My Bed
B6 George Henry Bussey Kansas City Blues
B7 George Henry Bussey Catch A Greyhound
B8 George Henry Bussey Come Around To My House, Baby
Issued with printed inner sleeve and free MP3 download code.
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