Guided by Voices "Devil Between My Toes


GBV’s 1987 debut remains unique in the band’s discography, even after 3 dozen subsequent albums. It has an often dark and mysterious vibe, contains more instrumentals than any GBV album, includes Tobin’s first appearance, and features both studio and homemade recordings. Many germs of what would become defining traits for the group are already present here, right out of the gate.

New Reissue for 2021


Buckeye Side
Old Battery 1:46
Discussing Wallace Chambers 1:48
Cyclops 1:50
Crux 2:24
A Portrait Destroyed By Fire 5:09
3 Year Old Man 1:39
Briar Side
Dog's Out 2:09
A Proud And Booming Industry 1:03
Hank's Little Fingers 2:13
Artboat 2:27
Hey Hey, Spaceman 2:51
The Tumblers 2:39
Bread Alone 1:09
Captain's Dead 2:00
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