Beach Boys "Pet Sounds" LP (50th Anniv. MONO version)


MONO vinyl reissue. 


A1 Wouldn't It Be Nice 2:22
A2 You Still Believe In Me 2:33
A3 That's Not Me 2:27
A4 Don't Talk (Put Your Head On My Shoulder) 2:52
A5 I'm Waiting For The Day 3:01
A6 Let's Go Away For Awhile 2:18
A7 Sloop John B 2:57
B1 God Only Knows 2:46
B2 I Know There's An Answer 3:10
B3 Here Today 2:38
B4 I Just Wasn't Made For These Times 3:21
B5 Pet Sounds 2:20
B6 Caroline, No 2:16
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