"Voices of Mississippi" LP William Ferris Recordings


Dust-to-Digital, 2018


A1 Scott Dunbar Lil’ Liza Jane
A2 Mississippi Fred McDowell* Big Fat Mama
A3 Louis Dotson Bottle Blowing
A4 Scott Dunbar Jaybird
A5 James “Son Ford” Thomas* Cairo
A6 Inmates at Parchman Farm* Water Boy Drowned In The Mobile Bay
B1 Mississippi Fred McDowell* I Got A Letter From Hot Springs
B2 Lovey Williams I’m Standing In The Safety Zone
B3 Mary Alice* & Alan McGowan (2) My Mother’s On That Train
B4 Reverend Ott & Family* You Don’t Knock, You Just Walk On In
B5 Walter Lee Hood They Tell Me Of An Uncloudy Day
B6 Mary & Amanda Gordon Lord, I’m In Your Hand
B7 James "Son Ford" Thomas* Cemetery Conversations

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