Sufjan Stevens "Avalanche" LP


Asthmatic Kitty Records, 2018


A1 The Avalanche 3:14
A2 Dear Mr. Supercomputer 4:40
A3 Adlai Stevenson 2:34
A4 The Vivian Girls Are Visited In The Night By Saint Dargarius And His Squadron Of Benevolent Butterflies 1:49
A5 Chicago (Acoustic Version) 4:40
A6 The Henney Buggy Band 3:16
B7 Saul Bellow 2:53
B8 Carlyle Lake 3:15
B9 Springfield, Or Bobby Got A Shadfly Caught In His Hair 4:17
B10 The Mistress Witch From McClure (Or, The Mind That Knows Itself) 3:24
B11 Kaskaskia River 2:15
C12 Chicago (Adult Contemporary Easy Listening Version) 6:06
C13 Inaugural Pop Music For Jayne Margaret Byrne 1:25
C14 No Man’s Land 4:45
C15 The Palm Sunday Tornado Hits Crystal Lake 1:38
C16 The Pick-Up 3:23
D17 The Perpetual Self, Or “What Would Saul Alinsky Do?” 2:24
D18 For Clyde Tombaugh 3:43
D19 Chicago (Multiple Personality Disorder Version) 4:35
D20 Pittsfield 6:41
D21 The Undivided Self (For Eppie And Popo) 4:59

Includes a printed insert and a download coupon.

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