Miles Davis LP Bags Groove


Reissue of a classic 1957 Prestige release compiled from a series of legendary sessions that featured an insane lineup of musicians. A Miles Davis album featuring Thelonious Monk, Horace Silver and Sonny Rollings backed by a rhythm section that effectively consists of the Modern Jazz Quartet. It's a good record. 


Bags' Groove (Take 1) 11:10
Bags' Groove (Take 2) 9:19
Airegin 4:59
Oleo 5:12
But Not For Me (Take 2) 4:37
Doxy 4:53
But Not For Me (Take 1) 5:40


  • Miles Davis – trumpet
  • Sonny Rollins – tenor saxophone
  • Horace Silver – piano
  • Percy Heath – bass
  • Kenny Clarke – drums

On "Bags' Groove":

  • Miles Davis – trumpet
  • Milt Jackson – vibraphone
  • Thelonious Monk – piano
  • Percy Heath – bass
  • Kenny Clarke – drums
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