Melanie Charles "Y'all Don't Really Care About Black Women" LP (Impulse!)


With the Verve Remixed project, Y'all Don't (Really) Care About Black Women, Melanie Charles sets out to take this group of songs and breathe new energy into them. Melanie was immediately drawn to the rapturous voices of Billie Holiday and Sarah Vaughn who inspired her to record arrangements of "God Bless the Child" and "Detour Ahead." This album is a love letter to the unheralded labor of black women. Melanie asks listeners to be accountable to black women as much as they care for their works.

1. God Bless The Child
2. All Africa (The Beat)
3. The Music Is The Magic
4. Perdido (Reimagined by Melanie Charles)
5. Pay Black Women Interlude
6. Woman Of The Ghetto (Reimagined by Melanie Charles)
7. Jazz (Ain't Nothing But Soul) (Reimagined by Melanie Charles)
8. Detour Ahead (Reimagined by Melanie Charles)
9. Go Away Little Boy
10. Beginning To See The Light (Reimagined by Melanie Charles)
11. What A Difference (Reimagined by Melanie Charles)
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