Drive-by Truckers "Fine Print" LP (color vinyl)


Collection of unreleased studio stuff, mostly taken from sessions for "Decoration Day" and "The Dirty South." Featuring b-sides, demos, covers, etc. 

Track listing

  1. "George Jones Talkin' Cell Phone Blues" - 4:08 (Patterson Hood)
  2. "Rebels" - 4:53 (Tom Petty)
  3. "Uncle Frank" - 5:22 (alternate version) (Mike Cooley)
  4. "TVA" - 6:57 (Jason Isbell)
  5. "Goode's Field Road" - 4:15 (alternate version) (Hood)
  6. "The Great Car Dealer War" - 5:38 (Hood)
  7. "Mama Bake a Pie (Daddy Kill A Chicken)" - 3:20 (Tom T. Hall)
  8. "When The Well Runs Dry" - 4:10 (Isbell)
  9. "Mrs. Claus' Kimono" - 4:26 (Hood)
  10. "Play It All Night Long" - 5:10 (Warren Zevon)
  11. "Little Pony And The Great Big Horse" - 3:38 (Cooley)
  12. "Like a Rolling Stone" - 6:02 (Bob Dylan)
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