Booker T & The M.G.'s "The Complete Stax Singles Vol. 2" LP (red vinyl)


Vol. 2 of a brand new collection of the classic Stax band's singles. Pressed to red vinyl. 


Side One:

  1. Soul-Limbo
  2. Heads Or Tails
  3. Hang 'Em High
  4. Over Easy
  5. Time Is Tight

Side Two:

  1. Johnny, I Love You
  2. Mrs. Robinson
  3. Soul Clap '69
  4. Slum Baby
  5. Meditation

Side Three:

  1. Something
  2. Sunday Sermon
  3. Melting Pot
  4. Kinda Easy Like
  5. Jamaica This Morning

Side Four:

  1. Fuquawi
  2. Sugarcane
  3. Blackside
  4. Neckbone
  5. Breezy
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