"Black Man's Pride: Vol. 2: Righteous Are The Sons and Daughters of Jah" LP (Soul Jazz)



A1 Horace Andy Illiteracy 3:12
A2 The Heptones Be A Man 2:20
A3 The Manchesters (2) Natty Gone 2:33
A4 The Gladiators Down Town Rebel 3:35
A5 Willie Williams* Calling 2:02
B1 Roland Alphonso & Brentford All Stars Sir D Special 6:25
B2 Keith Wilson (5) God I God I Say 3:01
B3 Alton Ellis Almost Anything 6:41
C1 Bobby Kalphat & The New Establishment Adis A Wa Wa 3:01
C2 Peter Broggs Sing a New Song 4:13
C3 Mystic Revelations Of Rastafari* Let Freedom Reign 3:36
C4 Larry & Alvin Free I Lord 2:27
C5 Jackie Mittoo Happy People 3:06
D1 Ernest Wilson & The Sound Dimension* Freedom Fighter 8:32
D2 Prince Lincoln* Daughters Of Zion 3:05
D3 High Charles Zion 3:05
D4 Winston Jarrett Love Jah Jah 2:39
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